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20 June 2024

Rabobank and the Circular Plastics Alliance are once again joining forces to help entrepreneurs move towards a Circular Economy.

Rabobank has entered into a long-term partnership with the Circular Plastics Alliance to help entrepreneurs and companies in the North Holland region take steps towards a Circular Economy. Rabobank wants to take action on climate and align its financing with ‘the 1.5⁰ C pathway’. She does this not only with finance, but also by using her network and knowledge and forming partnerships with other parties.

Circular Plastics Alliance wants to help entrepreneurs achieve a good balance between people, nature and businesses and reduce their CO2 footprint. That is why it works on innovation and sustainable solutions that ensure less waste and more recycling.

Rabobank will remain an active member of the Alliance, and will also intensify its cooperation in order to achieve more jointRabobank remains an active member of the Alliance, and also wants to intensify the collaboration to make more joint impact. Through events and meetings in collaboration with Circular Plastics Academy, we want to help entrepreneurs in a practical way to apply circularity in practice. There is a lot coming their way, such as upcoming legislation on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWR). It is important that companies are well prepared for this and can take steps to improve the future of their business and not get bogged down by future legislation and high costs around their plastic and packaging flows.

“This is how we support entrepreneurs with the challenges and opportunities of our time,” says Mariëlle de Munnik, Business Development Manager Sustainable Entrepreneurship at Rabobank. “We mainly focus on providing practical tools so that entrepreneurs can take concrete steps”This is how we support entrepreneurs with the challenges and opportunities of our time,” 

Rein Hintzen, co-founder of Circular Plastics Academy, adds: “Through our joint network in the region, we hope to get the chain cooperation going even better, which can make a difference in the Circular Economy. We are very enthusiastic about this collaboration and expect to be able to accelerate towards the goals of the Netherlands to be fully circular by 2050.”

A first event is planned. As soon as this is more concrete, we will provide more information. For now, all interested parties can contact Circular Plastics Alliance: nadine@circular-plastics-alliance.com or rein@circular-plastics-academy.com

Read more about our collaboration via Rabobank.

In the picture Ronald Bleeker director coöperatieve Rabobank and Henk Kras of Circular Plastics.


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