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18 July 2024

The province provides a subsidy to the collaboration and knowledge platform Circular Plastics Alliance, thereby supporting their mission; reducing the CO2 footprint of SMEs. They do this, among other things, by collecting plastics for recycling, allowing valuable raw materials to be reused.

Deputy Esther Rommel: “The province is committed to a circular, future-proof economy. That is why we support companies that really want to make an impact. The SMEs affiliated with the alliance come from North Holland and South Holland and form a powerful community. The provincial subsidy is used to further professionalize the alliance and to attract new partners to allow the alliance to grow. This leads to more collaboration, a decrease in the use of single-use plastic packaging, and a reduction in CO2 emissions.”

Circular Plastics Alliance is an initiative founded in 2019 by several companies with many years of experience in plastic recycling, packaging design, production, and logistics. The affiliated companies help each other to become more sustainable by setting up collaborations, organizing events, lobbying, conducting research, and sharing knowledge. The alliance now has 62 partners from various sectors such as construction, logistics, and horticulture.

This is partly the result of the collaboration between Alliance partners Rabobank and KplusV.


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