Together with our partners, we are making great strides in sustainability. You can benefit too by joining our Circular Plastics Alliance.

The benefits membership offers for your business

Waste Scan

We will set up a 1-2 day waste scan within your company. The waste scan is executed by our Circular Plastics Alliance team, resulting in an efficient analysis of the current waste streams of cardboard, paper and plastic, along with customised advice. The aim of the waste scan is to improve the quality of these waste streams, and consequently their financial gains, for more sustainable recycling in the short term and create strategic raw materials.

Circular Plastics Academy

You will receive a voucher for a 5% discount on the range of training courses we offer through Circular Plastics Academy. In addition, you can attend a minimum of two Circular Plastics Academy introductory sessions. You can invite a business connection/chain partner of your company to map out concrete circular steps together.

Circular Plastics Facilitator

We provide ongoing support and intensive contact with your company through our CP Facilitator, to ensure a smooth follow-up and concrete results within the jointly agreed objectives of the membership.

Free vlog

Thanks to the collaboration with one of our members, we can offer one CPA member a vlog about their company each month. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your company in a professional and appealing manner.

A podium during our networking meetings

You will have the opportunity during one of our networking meetings to exclusively present and share your company’s progress in sustainability with other interesting companies within Circular Plastics Alliance, with a speaking time of 45 minutes. You are entitled to participate in all networking events with two colleagues from your company. The account of these events will be made available for internal publication purposes within your company.

Participation in circular innovative projects

Circular Plastics may ask you to participate in ambitious circular innovation projects. Your company can be involved as a potential customer, or supplier of goods or services, focusing on innovation in sustainability. To this end, a roadmap will be developed with the total project costs and participation from Circular Plastics Alliance and other project partners involved.


We provide publicity by extensively highlighting all sustainability developments within your company. We do this via newsletters and professional exposure on our social media channels. This has proven very inspiring to colleagues, suppliers and customers and contributes to an extremely positive CSR image.

We can also do vlogs for your business at an attractive discount.

Access to strategic resources

Through the chain cooperation between the Alliance partners, we have a large access to strategic and certified resources with CPA. The resources are a good step towards a closed loop and achieving the PPWR targets. Alliance members are always preferred suppliers in this regard.  

How to become a member

Once you have registered via the contact form, we will send you a questionnaire with questions about sustainability goals and strategy. Once returned, we will review the questionnaire and let you know if your membership adds value to the activities of existing members. If the results are positive, we will confirm participation by presenting you with a tombstone and publishing this on our social media channels and website, and write about it in our newsletter.


The rates for membership are as follows:

Turnover < €500,000 = rate of €350/month
Turnover < €1,000,000 = rate of €700/month Turnover > €1,000,000 = rate of €1,000/month

The membership can be cancelled on a monthly basis.

The benefits membership offers for your business

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Are you interested in becoming a member of Circular Plastics Alliance?

Sign up as soon as possible, and we will be in touch!


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