The graphics industry is currently still using a lot of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) which involves using a lot of chlorine during production which is harmful to the environment.
By using our new technology, we have been able to replace a maximum of 80% of the virgin PP used with PP recyclate. The quality of the products is the result of a perfect synergy between Kras Recycling, the supplier of raw materials, advanced ‘state-of-the-art’ COEX technology and the valuable expertise and teamwork of Kivo and Circular Plastics.
By using PP for plant labels instead of (PVC), Van der Salm has created a monostream. Because the plant pots are already made of PP, post-selection of the mono-combination PP labels and PP pots from the waste streams is automatically suitable for recycling. A real closed loop!
Want to find out more? If so, please contact us.
Haven 45
1131 EP Volendam