HSB bouw (HSB) develops and realizes sustainable construction projects for developers and housing associations, especially in the northwest and central Netherlands. Commitment, craftsmanship and a no-nonsense approach is what HSB stands for.
HSB emphasizes the importance of corporate social responsibility, because joint efforts aimed at increasing the quality of living and living together make companies more valuable. HSB does corporate social responsibility in the form of financial sponsoring, through deployment of the network, by supplying capacity or by building on a non-profit basis.
HSB has already taken a number of steps in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship, such as greening the vehicle fleet by stimulating low-emission construction equipment and driving more electrically. A start was recently made to make the head office more sustainable, where gas is no longer used here. But also making the construction chain more sustainable has attention such as insulation and IR heating including solar panels.
In addition, HSB has been committed to ecological construction for years. Consider the impact of steel, cement, aluminum, glass wool and other building materials and add the energy required for mobility and the use of tools. In an impactful way, HSB puts ecological building weight in the scale for a good balance in the field of sustainability.
»Read more about HSB ecological construction here.
Together with the other members of the Circular Plastics Alliance, HSB wants to reduce construction waste by making packaging materials and associated waste flows circular and reducing transport movements (logistics). They want to achieve this by e.g. to see how the products can be packaged and transported in a different way. HSB expects to be able to use the circular solutions directly in the carpentry factory and various construction projects.
The addition of HSB to the Circular Plastics Alliance allows us to properly map out opportunities for circularity in the construction sector. With its project-based approach and large construction projects, HSB is a unique and valuable addition to our Alliance.
Haven 45
1131 EP Volendam