Unicef Business Buddies

Circular Plastics Alliance is one of the Business Buddies of UNICEF. Our contribution supports the ‘Plastic Bricks’ program. With our support, they are constructing new classrooms in Côte d’Ivoire from recycled plastic waste. In this way, we help solve the waste problem and provide thousands of children with access to education.

Plastic Bricks: three solutions in one

Through the Plastic Bricks program, Unicef creates a cleaner living environment for children, ensures children can attend school, and supports the women who collect plastic:

  • Unicef trains women in collecting, safely storing, and processing plastic waste.
  • Unicef provides these women with entrepreneurship training so that they can start their own businesses.
  • Unicef purchases the plastic waste from the women at a fair price.
  • Unicef processes the plastic waste in a factory into building blocks, which are used to construct new classrooms.

The results of 2024

In 2024, the following results have already been achieved by Unicef in Côte d’Ivoire:

  • 3200 tons of plastic recycled
  • 359 classrooms built
  • 17,950 children in school
Plastic bouwstenen Unicef


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