Johan Thans of Circular Plastics handed over the tombstone to our new member Heijmans last week. Eddie Breunesse accepted the tombstone. During the visit to our showroom, the plan of action was discussed about the steps Heijmans will take to become more sustainable. Read more about Heijmans’ participation below.
Heijmans is a family company of Brabant origin that grew from a road-building company into a road construction company, into a builder of homes, shops and business premises and into a developer of residential districts, shopping areas and business parks. As a leading player in the sector, Heijmans wants to play a leading role in making the living environment more sustainable.
By designing sustainably, with an eye for alternative and decentralised energy generation, efficient (re)use of resources and optimal comfort and experience, Heijmans can make the difference. The goal is no longer to extract but rather to add to the living environment and thus create value.
The most common waste streams of what Heijmans’ waste processors take in are:
– Rubble
– Construction and demolition waste
– Remaining waste
– Scrap metal
– B-grade wood (and C-grade wood)
– Paper/cardboard
– Foil
These materials are partly recycled and partly incinerated. Looking at materials, Heijmans is committed to 100% circular construction in all new trajectories. The concrete targets for 2023 are:
– For all tenders, they calculate the environmental performance.
– All ground-level homes are 100% circular, and in 2030 also all non-ground-level homes.
– Application of circular asphalt and concrete.
The results already achieved by Heijmans in this area are:
– From 2021, all packaging in construction projects will be 100% reusable or recyclable.
– In 2021, for ground-level housing, they have committed to fully mapping material flows. This is an important step towards the 2023 target.
– In 2021, they have already implemented a few projects with 70-75% circular concrete.
Read more about Heijmans here.
Now as a member of Circular Plastics Alliance, Heijmans is keen to run a pilot with circular load carriers and circular crates and boxes in the near future. They also hope for an improvement in scope 3 of their CO2 emissions. Heijmans would like to share its experiences with the other members to work together for a greener future. That is where Circular Plastics Alliance gladly joins in and warmly welcomes this new member.