The Inspectie voor de Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT) wants the deposit on plastic bottles to be increased to 50 cents per bottle, for both large and small bottles. The inspector has informed the interest group Verpact, formerly known as the Afvalfonds Verpakkingen. According to the ILT, the collection is still well below par, and measures are necessary.
The ILT aims to achieve by the increase that consumers return more plastic deposit bottles, with a legal target of 90 percent return. Although this target has been in place since 2022, the number of returned bottles remained below par last year, according to Verpact, estimated at about 70%. This is insufficient according to the ILT. Although the percentage of returned small bottles increased significantly, by ten percentage points, the increase in large deposit bottles remained minimal, with only 1.1 percentage points.
At the moment, large bottles have a deposit of €0.25 and small bottles a deposit of €0.15. These amounts would double with the ILT’s measure, or in the case of smaller bottles even triple, to further stimulate collection. Cans are currently not considered. In addition, the ILT suggests more measures to Verpact to promote the collection of plastic bottles:
If the collection of plastic bottles is not improved quickly, companies could face fines of up to €250 million. Verpact has until Friday to respond and come up with alternatives before the ILT makes a final decision.
Circular Plastics Alliance closely monitors the development. Are you curious about how you can improve plastic collection in your organization? Then contact us and we will help you on your way to a more sustainable organization!
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